Today, I was supposed to do nothing. Life has been incredibly busy lately, and I needed a "me" day. I started feeling guilty though, because when our lives get busy, Ginger doesn't get a lot of outside run around time. So, at 1100, I loaded her up in the back of the Suburban, and headed to the puppy park. She ran, and sniffed, as the only dog there for half an hour. Then, an old guy and his old dog showed up, and Ginger was excited to have another pup to play with.
I'm not usually a huge fan of talking with people I don't know, but this guy reminded me a lot of my Dad. So, the man and I began a conversation while Ginger and his dog, Lucky, played together. We talked about where we each came from, where he and his wife are settled now, where Tom and I want to be when he retires, and about his Army career. We found commonality in hunting and fishing, and Northern Idaho. One of his buddies had been Cadre at U of I ROTC quite a while back, and he and his wife visited them while on leave, and spent a weekend in Couer d' Alene. We talked about his walks with his dog every day, and how much they need and use each other to get out of the house. An hour later, when his wife called to be picked up from the commissary with their groceries, we wished each other a good afternoon and parted ways.
It was nothing life-altering or crazy, it was just nice talking to him, like talking to my dad. I'm really glad I chose to take Ginger to the puppy park today. She got to run and have fun with another pup, and I got to talk with a nice, old guy and that makes me happy.
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