Friday, February 27, 2015

Financial Fitness

Money, Money, Moneeeey!

     As much as many of us hate to admit it, money does make the world go 'round. It seems like no matter how much money one has, it's never enough or just a little more would make things better. Nearly everyone I know, myself included, has some sort of debt...Student loans, vehicle payments, and credit card debt are the most common types of debt among those I know. As of late, so many are taking a very active role in paying down their debt, becoming debt free and building savings, using one of Dave Ramsey's methods. While I have only begun looking into his methods, it seems like a good route to go.
     I don't do New Year's resolutions, because they, all too often, are forgotten by the first week of March and don't get accomplished. I do, however, make small goals for myself, with a larger goal to be reached near the end of the year. The smaller goals keep me accountable, keep me on track, and give me small successes to celebrate along the way. I am going to take this method, along with some of Dave Ramsey's advice, and some basic common sense to get our family on the track to becoming "Financially Fit."
     Usually, I really dislike goofy little sayings like "Financially Fit," but that one actually makes sense to me, plus a cartoon bill lifting weights is funny and cute. But, seriously, I want our money to be strong, and to work for us, so we can have the things we need, some of what we want, and be able to have a good amount of money set back for the future. We started off the year strong, by starting to pull a set amount from each of our paychecks for savings, using our tax refund to pay down our debts, and, as of March 2nd, our 4-wheeler will be paid off. I have also taken a look at some of our utilities, TV and Phone, and cut our bills by decreasing our number of channels and amount data. (This is actually two-fold, in that our bills go down a bit, and we have been spending less time watching mindless shows or checking Facebook 870 times a day, and actually conversing more, and therefore, strengthening our relationships, and our family.) I have also, recently, consolidated my credit card debt and reworked our budgets.
I am a huge list maker and I love charts, so the budget thing was super easy. I like having something that tells me where our money is supposed to go and once I pay bills, I love crossing them off the list for that month or week. I'm fairly certain Tom thinks I'm a little obsessive and slightly crazy because on the morning of each of our paydays, I am up early, with my budget sheets, paying bills on the laptop, and crossing things off the list. I also, have a checkbook register app on my phone, so  I can keep track, immediately of our individual and joint checking accounts. Now, if I can just keep up with all of this...
Like I said, it's been easy, so far. We have our "fun" money for going out with friends, or a coffee at Dutch Bros. now and again. But, we both have our weaknesses. Mine is the fabric store. I can easily walk out of JoAnn's, spending close to $100 and not think twice about it, and that's with using coupons and their military discount. That's the one I'm going to have to keep in check. For Tom, it will be When he gets involved in a TV series, he is all in. He will buy a season or two, and then he'll pre-order the current season, and find a similar series and order that, too. And DVD's add up, sometimes even faster than fabric, so we're going to have to be more cognizant of our spending.
I'm really excited to have a savings plan, and be paying down our debts. If any of you have any tips, ideas, or something that has worked for you and an your family becoming more financially fit, please let me know by leaving a comment.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow Daze!

I love snow, like Lorelai Gilmore loves snow!

 I've always loved snow! When I was a kid, it was all about sledding, skiing, building snowmen, playing outside, and making forts. And, now, it's all about sledding, snowboarding, building snow monsters, and playing outside. There are a few added responsibilities when it comes to snow, and being an adult...Like, shoveling the sidewalks and driveway, figuring out how to not park like an asshole when all of the lines are snow-covered, and being a functional, safe driver, when the wind is blowing snow so hard it looks like your driving through space. 
     As an adult, I have realized there are those that don't share my love of snow. While I'm singing, "It's snowing, it's snowing, lalalalaaala!" there are others that would rather not leave the house. Fine, don't. One less person for me to give "the finger" to when you can't figure out that, somehow, you're driving in three lanes of travel, and because you can't see the lane markers, you believe this is perfectly acceptable. I also won't have to encounter you in a public place, bitching and moaning about the snow, and the cold. Hey! Guess what??? It is cold and snows in the winter! If you don't like it, move somewhere else or shut up. 
I love me some Dutch Bros. coffee!
  Snowy days are perfect for going to a pastry shop, getting a chocolate filled croissant, and then hitting up the local Dutch Bros. for a tasty mint mocha! I also love listening to 1940's/big band music on snowy days. There's just something nostalgic, and comforting about listening to that type of music, while sitting on the couch in my nice, warm house, and watching the snow fall and swirl around outside. As a girl, I also have a weakness for shoes and boots of any kind. So, now that they're making Sorel's and BOGS in all kinds of cute styles and colors, I can be kind of a girly-girl, with my super cute, comfy, warm boots that look fun and are functional at the same time!
My BOGS kick ass!
While wearing my kick-ass, warm, comfy, cute boots, I don't even mind doing snow "chores." Tom and I have been going out at night, like 10pm, and shoveling the driveway, and I don't even mind. I think I like clearing snow, because it provides instant gratification. You can see exactly how much you have done, and how much is still left. And, on nights when the wind isn't blowing and the snow isn't falling too heavily, the world is perfect and quiet. The sky takes on a pastel glow, and everything is still, and serene, and it's my favorite. 

This makes me happy.
My most favorite sledding buddy!
Rawr! My snow monster, with chem light eyes is spoooky!
Even though I do get a kick out of shoveling snow, being a big kid and going outside to play is still the best! I appreciate Sean's love of the snow, and the fact that when it's 20* outside, he is all about bundling up, and going out to make snow angels, play some snow soccer, or take the old runner sled down the driveway about a million times. Then, the best part is coming inside, snuggling and having hot cocoa with marshmallows.
I understand that Winter and snow aren't for everyone, and there are some days I like to give Ma Nature the middle finger, while wearing my mittens. For the most part, though, I look forward to the snow, the beauty it brings, the activities it provides and the memories it helps create.                                             

Friday, February 6, 2015

"Those" Girls

Sometimes, something happens during a normal day, and it can touch your heart and remind you who is important in your life. That happened to me today, and since life can be busy, messy, crazy and spread out over many miles, I took a moment to reflect and really be grateful for my sisters.
"Those" girls...You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones that, with one side-ways glance, can make you shut up, or laugh uncontrollably, the ones that won't let you leave work, even if you've peed your pants. Those girls, that even if you haven't talked in years, because of something stupid, will show up in your daughters hospital room, and those other girls that made it happen. Those girls that you will fly half-way across the country to watch them say, "I do!" on their big day, those girls that helped your mother plan your surprise 16th birthday party. Those girls that you consider more like sisters, than friends. For every female out there reading this, I hope you have at lease one of "those" girls in your life. I consider myself incredibly lucky, because I have three. Three people that I know, no matter what happens or when, I can turn to and they will have my back.
Me, Megan and Jennifer a few days before I moved to Colorado.
Two of those girls, I have been friends with for nearly 25 years and we are still going strong. There is something about these girls that I can't explain...Our ability to pick up where we left off when we last saw one another, be it days or years in between, or the way that we have seen each other at our best, treated them the worst, but yet, would drop everything to be there with them to celebrate or cry. We knew one another when we each had our first kisses, during our awkward junior high phases, and in high school, when  we may have not made the best choices. And then, we got thrown in to the real world, and went our separate ways...some of us still talking, some of us not. Years would pass, and we got together, went to parties, tried to reach out with a phone call and we grew apart and back together again. We have each had our own tragedies that, in one way or another, that we have been there for one another; if not there in person, there with a phone call, and always in the heart. We have seen one another graduate from college, get married, have babies, struggle through sickness and relationship troubles, and have been there for welcome home parties and seen one another off to start new adventures in new parts of the world. We are the kind of friends that you hear people joke about and say, "We'll always be friends because you know too much," and,for that, I am incredibly grateful.
CodyAnn and me on her wedding day. So glad I could be there with her!
The third girl, is much like the first two, but I didn't get to meet her until later in my life. We may not have a 25 year history, yet, but when something really good, or really bad, happens, I want her to know. Immediately. And, even though there aren't twenty-something years of friendship we have spent some quality time together...late nights, early mornings, break-ups, make-ups, getting married, and some the most stressful and rewarding situations I have ever been through. This relationship is a little different than the other ones, though, neither one better or worse, just different. This is because I befriended the first two in grade school, when we were all innocent and didn't have a clue about life, and we grew up, experiencing life together. I met the third one, as a jaded, experienced adult, that was done taking bullshit and no longer had time for fair-weather friends. And, I met her at work...The kind of work that is 24/7/365 and could go from laughter to disaster with the ring of a phone. We worked well together, had similar interests, the same foul mouths, and our friendship has grown from there.
Sometimes I worry I don't reach out to these three girls enough, that I don't tell them how important they are to me as often as I should. I want each of them to know that they have shaped a little of who I am today, and that I hope they will always continue to be a part of my life, and me a part of theirs.
"Those" girls are my sisters, and I love them.